Call for Paper JEI


In its efforts to strive for excellence, Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia (JEI) hereby invites original papers (research articles, review articles, and short communications) from international authors to be submitted to our Journal. This is an opportunity to meet local researchers and help local journals to increase its visibility in the international arena. The papers should be presenting original research on topics related to tropical entomology and pest management.

JEI publishes original research article, reviews, and short communications covering basic and applied sciences on insects and mites or other arthropods in agriculture, forestry, human and animal health, and natural resources management particularly in the tropics.  JEI accepts articles in English and Indonesian. The scope of JEI includes agricultural entomology, insect behavior, insect biology, biosystematics, ecology, molecular biology, conservation biology, medical entomology, urban entomology, economic entomology, pest management, insect physiology & taxonomy, and sampling methods.

The submission procedure is available at:
Original articles that has never been published are welcome. All  manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process, available at:
For any information needed please contact us at or

Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori, MSc.
Editor in Chief